What Is Surrender In Blackjack?

what is surrender in blackjack

Surrender is an optional rule in blackjack that allows you to give up on half of your initial bet after the first two cards and the dealer card have been delt. Experienced players will know how to judge when their chance of winning against the dealer is less than 50 percent and, by that when to apply this option.

When you call surrender, you fold before another card has been drawn and sit out the rest of the round. You get back half of your initial bet, and the other half goes to the dealer.

When to surrender in blackjack?

As said earlier, if you are a regular player, you already have an experience-based feeling when it is time to call it. If it is not yet obvious to you, we will give you some guidelines for when to surrender.

The basic rule is that you should surrender when your hand is weaker than the dealer’s. With time, it will become natural to notice the possibilities of dealt hands so you can cut your losses in time.

You should surrender if:

  • Your hand is 16, and the dealer’s is 9,10, or ace. Important notice here is that you should not surrender if you have two eights; then, you have a better chance of winning by splitting your hand.
  • Your hand is 15, and the dealer’s is a 10.

Early surrender

Early surrender is your best option to fold your hand and save half your bet as soon as the dealer draws yours and their hand, but before they peek to check the hole card for blackjack.  Early surrender reduces the house edge.

Late surrender

Late surrender is an option after the dealer has checked for blackjack. If the dealer’s hand is not blackjack and you call surrender, you get half your wager back.

Featured image taken from YouTube.

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