What Is a No Contest In UFC?

what is a no contest in ufc

“No contest” is a technical term used in UFC for a fight that concludes without a winner. This can occur due to factors beyond the fighters’ control, such as injury, crowd-related incidents, or post-fight violations. In such cases, neither fighter is declared the winner or the loser, leaving the outcome unresolved.

After the fight has been declared “no contest,” and the reasons for which it concluded unresolved are shown to be intentional and illegal, the fight will be resolved in favor of the player who was subjected to them.

In some cases, the referee is the one who will have to decide on the spot whether the fight ends as a “no contest.” Such cases involve injury obtained due to an accidental foul during the fight, and it is up to the referee to decide on the level of injury and whether it will affect a player’s performance.

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