What Is a Hat Trick In Football

what is a hat trick in football

A hat trick is a phrase used in football to describe the achievement of a player scoring three times in a single game.

In other sports, it is used for other achievements revolving around the number three.

Related: What Is a Brace In Football?

Perfect Hat Trick

Perfect hat trick – an extended and upgraded term that is used in football when a player achieves three goals—one goal with the left foot, one with the right foot, and one headed goal.


The term hat trick originated in cricket in 1858 to express three wickets taken by H. H. Stephenson with three consecutive deliveries. The first time it appeared in print was in 1865 in the Chelmsford Chronicle. Eventually, the term was adopted in many other sports, such as football, hockey, Formula 1 racing, water polo, and rugby.

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