What Is Positionless Basketball?

what is positionless basketball

Positionless basketball is a type of play in which players change their range of positions instead of playing their usual one. Any player can play any position; they are not constrained to a certain position or its boundaries on the court.

Coaches strategically employ positionless basketball as a training tool, challenging players to develop a comprehensive understanding of the game and adapt to various roles on the court. This approach also brings players with similar skill sets closer together. It reveals which players go best together and how players read and see each other on the floor.

This exercise is also essential for the coach to see and spot what certain players bring to the table and where they are best suited, assuming they haven’t already found their position, especially if they are at the youth level. 

Although this form of team-building exercise is usually seen in pro basketball, such as college basketball training camps, it helps young players understand the role of all positions, so what better way than going through them themselves? Especially since that is the age at which they should not focus on trophies and wins but on skills and focus on other players.

At other, higher levels, we think this is the best way for players to use this routine to keep themselves in check, to find themselves playing with and against different types of players, to search for weaknesses in their technique, and to work on them.

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