How Long Are Quarters In Basketball?

how long are quarters in basketball
Each of the four NBA quarters lasts 12 minutes, making the full game 48 minutes long. In comparison, the  WNBA and FIBA game’s quarters last 10 minutes, totaling 40 minutes for the whole game.When watching basketball, it seems that the game goes on for hours, but the reality is that the clock stops every time the game stops, for instance, when a foul has been committed, a free throw is being shot, a timeout has been called, or a player or the ball is out of bounds. That’s why the game doesn’t last precisely 48 minutes, and each quarter can differ from another. Also, after two quarters, there is a half-time break lasting 15 minutes.

How Long Is Overtime In Basketball?

If the score is a tie at the end of the regulation 48 minutes, overtime is played for a duration of 5 minutes. If the score doesn’t change or results in a tie again, additional OTs are played, lasting another 5 minutes, and so on, until the winner is decided.Read next: What Is GTD In Basketball?

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