
McGregor vs Alvarez Fight Provides An All-Time Classic – TBT #9

McGregor vs Alvarez

It’s November 13th, 2016. Conor “Notorious” McGregor and Eddie Alvarez are headlining the UFC 205 event at Madison Square Garden in New York City. On one side, there’s Conor McGregor, the challenger for the lightweight title and the current UFC featherweight champion. In addition, he has a chance at becoming the first UFC two-division champion. On the other side is Eddie Alvarez, who seeks to defend his UFC lightweight title for the first time. 

The fighters walk to the octagon, and the fans are excited through the roof. Bruce Buffer introduces Conor and Eddie, and the UFC 205 main event begins after the two touch gloves. 

One minute into the fight, McGregor lands a left look on Alvarez and drops him, but Eddie recovers quickly. A minute after that first knockdown, Conor lands another left hand and drops Alvarez again. McGregor goes for the kill, but Eddie recovers again after successfully covering up. Round 1 ends with Conor as the better fighter between the two. 

Round 2 begins, and Conor catches Alvarez with a big left, but once again, Eddie recovers. After that punch, the Irishman keeps landing sharp lefts, and the American is on the verge of being knocked out. Then, with 2 minutes left on the clock, it happened. McGregor knocks out Eddie in spectacular fashion after landing a flurry of hard punches. The crowd was on their feet as they witnessed one of the greatest MMA fights ever. 

The Irishman made history that evening by becoming the first fighter in the history of the UFC to hold two belts simultaneously.  

Read Next: Last Week’s TBT Edition

Featured image taken from YouTube.

What Is a Cap In Football?

what is a cap in football

Receiving a physical cap is a practice that originated in the UK, where caps were awarded to every international player in rugby and soccer matches. Today, the cap is a term used to recognize a player’s participation in matches on an international level.

While the term ‘cap’ still holds its historical significance, the physical cap itself is a rarity in modern football. For instance, in England, a cap is awarded for every international match a player participates in, except for major tournaments. In the World Cup and Euro tournaments, a player is awarded a single physical cap for the entire event.

Who Has The Most Caps in Football?

The more caps a player has, the more international tournaments they have participated in. Christiano Ronaldo has collected the most caps, 206, over his 21-year career.

Read Next: What Is a Hat Trick In Football

What Is a Hat Trick In Football

what is a hat trick in football

A hat trick is a phrase used in football to describe the achievement of a player scoring three times in a single game.

In other sports, it is used for other achievements revolving around the number three.

Related: What Is a Brace In Football?

Perfect Hat Trick

Perfect hat trick – an extended and upgraded term that is used in football when a player achieves three goals—one goal with the left foot, one with the right foot, and one headed goal.


The term hat trick originated in cricket in 1858 to express three wickets taken by H. H. Stephenson with three consecutive deliveries. The first time it appeared in print was in 1865 in the Chelmsford Chronicle. Eventually, the term was adopted in many other sports, such as football, hockey, Formula 1 racing, water polo, and rugby.

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