Luka Doncic is Devin Booker Father – Meme Mondays #7

Luka Doncic is Devin Booker Father

It’s no secret that Luka Doncic has humbled a bunch of players over the years. But, one beef tops all others, so much so that it has become a meme that will live on for years. We’re, of course, talking about the iconic Luka Doncic is Devin Booker father meme. 

Sparked by the smacking in Game 7 in the 2022 playoffs, NBA fans quickly picked up on the joke of Luka owning Booker and the Suns in the game. Beautifully misspelled and hilarious, this is a meme that still keeps on giving.

How It Started

The Suns entered the 2022 Playoffs with the best record in the league. The year before, they lost to the Warriors in the NBA Finals 4-2. Needless to say, they were one of the top teams in the league and one of the favorites to win in all.

However, while many enjoyed their basketball, the team also received a lot of hate from many fans. This was mainly due to the cockiness and attitude of some of its players, primarily Chris Paul and Devin Booker.

The Phoenix Suns matched up with the Dallas Mavericks in the Western Conference Semifinals in 2022. At the time, there wasn’t a particular rivalry between the two teams, as the Suns were perceived as a much stronger team.

The first four games were tight, and the teams split the series 2-2. Then came Game 5. The Suns blew out the Mavs by 30, and the game wasn’t short of antics from the Phoenix players. Most notably, this was Devin Booker’s “Luka special” moment:

Doncic and the Mavs took this loss to heart and went back to Dallas to even the series to 3-3 with a 27-point win. But this was all just a buildup for what’s to come in Game 7 in Phoenix. Karma caught up with Booker and his team as they were handed an utmost embarrassing defeat.

Game 7 – The Birth of The Meme

Dallas won by 33, but this result doesn’t even begin to tell the tale of the game. At halftime, the Mavs had a 30-point advantage, with Luka scoring 27 in the first two quarters, exactly the same as the entire Phoenix team. To make this even worse for the Suns, Booker and Paul had combined for just 3 points at the half.

This was when the memorable graphic was produced, with Luka starring at Booker and the broadcast displaying a 57-27 lead at the bottom of the screen at halftime. This look Doncic gave Booker was the birth of the “Luka Doncic is Devin Booker father” meme, which took over the Internet as fans quickly jumped on the trend.

Moreover, the meme became so well-known among NBA fans online that it became a template. Fans started making “___ is ___’s father memes”, which are still used fairly often, especially on Reddit.

Coincidentally, this game also created another popular meme. Although Chris Paul will leave a massive legacy of memes, this is arguably one of the best ones, as it perfectly encapsulates the clutchness (or lack of it) that Paul has been roasted for over his entire career.

How It’s Going

This seven-game series produced a rivalry that gave many great games in the years since. Both players mostly talked about each other with great respect, often discussing how these moments were just a product of intense competition. 

The two teams often went back and forward in regular season games, with neither dominating the matchup. Nevertheless, as NBA fans, we won’t forget the Hall of Fame meme the 2022 series gave us, and the hilariously quotable Luka Doncic is Devin Booker father timeline.

Read Next: Last Week’s Meme Mondays Edition

Featured image taken from YouTube.